Police Officer Staff Instructions
- 1 Name Tag
- 1 Badge
- $150 Cash (15 $10s)
This simulation is broken up into four 15-minute “weeks” representing one month in the life of a refugee family.
You have four major tasks:
- Responding to robberies, and arresting criminals.
- Protecting families against illegal evictions
- Issue speeding tickets to students who run.
- Respond to volunteers and families who need help protecting their property.
Morality Alignment
LAWFUL GOOD = Honest, Trustworthy, and Strict with the Rules.
- You do NOT collect transportation passes unless someone comes to the Police Department for help. If you are out-and-about they do NOT need a pass. When collecting passes, only take one per family.
- Arrest any suspect(s) and take them to the police station. Hold them in jail and set bail at $50. Do not let them out of jail until their family pays bail OR two weeks have passed. While they are in jail they should read the article linked under Jail on the Work Page.
- If a family has been illegally evicted, they must report this to you to get your help.
- The family may only return to their home if you go with them. Help them turn their chairs back over to represent the legal return of property. Do not deal with the Mortgage Company’s offenses, you are too busy.
- You may notice or be told that a child is left at home alone. This is child neglect.
- Alert the Child Protective Officer OR
- Take the children into protective custody and take them to the CPS officer.
- THEN find the parents and lecture them about neglecting their child. Give them a hard time and bring them to the police station to collect their child. Release the child to the parents.
- You may notice students running from place to place. This is not allowed. “Pull them over” and issue a $50 speeding ticket. Take your time harassing them about the dangers of speeding, loss of time is their punishment.
- They do not need to pay their ticket until “next month”, but if they try to pay, let them.
- If someone has RED on their nametag, you may NOT speak English to them unless they have a translator present. YOU MAY MIME/GESTURE AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE (and so can they!)
- If someone has YELLOW on their nametag, you may only speak TEN words in English to them throughout your interaction unless they have a translator present. YOU MAY MIME/GESTURE AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE (and so can they!)
You will act as referees – trying to keep everyone honest. We will issue speeding tickets for runners, respond to crimes and robberies, protect families from illegal evictions, and respond to child neglect.