General Employer Staff Instructions




This simulation is broken up into four 15-minute “weeks” representing one month in the life of a refugee family.


You have six major tasks to divide as you see fit among the General Employer “staff”:

  1. Hand out Discussion Sheets at the beginning of each “work week” and collect them at the end of the “work week”
  2. Hand out paychecks to those who showed up to work!
  3. Approve and Reject Leave Requests
  4. Hire New Employees
  5. Fire Employees for being late, not showing up to work, or not completing their discussion sheets.
Instructions for Student Activities:
  1. Assign the weekly article found on the Work Page to the students.
    1. Full-Time Workers have 7 minutes and should read the article then discuss amongst themselves with whatever time is left.
    2. Part-Time Workers have 4 minutes and should read the article. If they finish early they may join any discussion until time to leave.
    3. Once students finish reading they should form small groups led by Full-Time workers to discuss the reading material on their own until work is over.
  2. During Week Four, lead a group discussion with your class on all the readings. Questions to Ask Your Students:
    1. What surprised you the most from the reading?
    2. Did you or your family relate to any of the data in the article in your refugee simulation family?
    3. Did anyone start out the simulation without a job and go through the process of applying, interviewing, and getting the job? Please tell us about your experience and how you think it relates to the real refugee experience.

Morality Alignment

TRUE NEUTRAL = Money-Oriented, but still honest people. Will not try to take advantage of people, but not inclined to be charitable either.


1 Staff Members should handle hiring new employees and firing bad ones as needed.


2 Staff Members should handle “The Factory Floor”. You will handle everything except for hiring/firing.


    1. (TABLE 2) Collect 5 passes for each full-time employee EACH WEEK. We are going on the honor-system – have students place them in a stack at the end of the table when they walk up.
    2. (TABLE 2) Collect 3 passes for each part-time employee EACH WEEK. We are going on the honor-system – have students place them in a stack at the end of the table when they walk up.
    3. (TABLE 1) Collect 1 pass for each jobseeker during the weeks (or 1 per family if more than one person comes)
    4. (TABLE 2) DO NOT collect a pass from Salma Mabel Nasser – They are self-employed and just coming to collect cash they have “earned”. Just give them their due cash, even if you don’t “understand” them.
    5. Those without transportation passes may not clock-in to work.
    6. If a person does not have enough passes, send them to Quik Cash to buy more.
    1. At the start of each week, set a timer for 3 minutes. After the three minutes is up, workers are considered “late”.
    2. When the three-minute timer is up, take Roll Call attendance and record attendance on the “Work Attendance Tracker” on the webpage.
    3. Have employees hold up their employment card when you call their name (this symbolizes them “clocking-in” at the beginning of the week)
    4. Send anyone without an employment card home for the week without pay.
    5. Set your timer again, this time for 4 minutes.
    6. Part-Time Employees must be at work for 4 of the first 10 minutes of the week. They must remain seated the entire time and do their readings.
    7. After the 4 minutes are up, ask your part-time employees to come to the desk to get their paychecks.
    8. Set your timer again, this time for 3 minutes.
    9. Full-Time Employees must be at work for 7 of the first 10 minutes of the “week”. They must remain seated the entire time and do their readings and brainstorm dicussion questions.
    10. After the last 3 minutes are up, ask your full-time employees to come to the desk to get their paychecks.

    1. here are two students that work part-time at the Food-A-Rama supercenter. They work part-time. They must report to you and help you however you see fit (delivering notices, cashiering, etc.) for 5 minutes each week. When the 5 minutes are up, send them home with their pay in cash every week.
      • Fnu Vida (Family U) makes $255 per week.
      • Shanar Mohamed (Family Q) (WEEK 3 ONLY) makes $255 per week.
    2. Direct students to the assigned reading or online activity after roll-call each week. If they finish early they should discuss amongst themselves.
    3. Week 1 – BBC: What to take?
    4. Week 2 – Refugee Project
    5. Week 3 – BBC: Choose escape route
    6. Week 4 – The Boat
    1. Each week give paychecks to those who “worked” regardless of if they were late
    2. Checks remaining at the end of the week are returned to the folder.

    1. If an employee comes to you with a request for time off, use your discretion and approve/reject as you see fit depending on their story/situation.
    2. Consider the person’s attendance record when approving leave.
    3. If leave if granted, mark them “absent” on the attendance sheet. This leave is UNPAID.

    1. You have a very LIMITED number of job openings and may only hire ONE PERSON PER WEEK. If someone is fired, you may hire an additional person to fill that spot.
    2. When a jobseeker comes in have their pickup a laminated application, fill it out and bring it back for your scrutiny.
    3. If someone comes to you with RED OR YELLOW on their nametag, they DO NOT speak English or speak LIMITED English and should receive the BLACKED-OUT version of the application.
    4. If someone DOES NOT have red or yellow on their nametag OR they bring the translator with them, they should receive the ENGLISH application.
    5. Review the job application and if they have filled it out correctly (not missing a bunch of information) tell them to return next week for an interview. Then they return, ask them about their experiences and skills.
    6. If you decide to offer them a job, offer them a salary based on the Salary Schedule (on the webpage).
    7. If they accept the job, fill out their new Employment Card, and tell them to report for work next week.
    8. Once they have worked for one week, fill out a blank check with their salary and give it to them.

    1. If a person is more than 3 minutes late to work, they are considered “late”. If someone is late more than 2 times, their job should be terminated.
    2. If a person DOES NOT SHOW UP AT ALL for work without approved leave, their job should be terminated.
    3. When someone is fired, mark them as fired on the Work Attendance Sheet. They may NOT reapply for a job.



Record work attendance, interview applicants for the few openings you have, pay employees based on how much time they spent at work, and assign the reading. If someone is chronically late, terminate their employment. Approve and reject “Leave” requests.