10 Havana Avenue
Ethnicity - Cuban Religion - Roman Catholic
Your family arrived in the U.S. over 1 year ago under Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Status.
You rent a 1-bedroom apartment in a low-income neighborhood. You are responsible for paying your monthly rent and bills. You have a used vehicle and also utilize public transportation. You do not have health insurance, so you need to apply so that the wife’s Crohn’s disease needs can be addressed. There are several churches in the Jacksonville area and your family is currently religiously active.
During the third week of the simulation the Realville Public School will be closed for holiday.
Wife makes $9.00/hour plus tips and works 24 hours/week, for a total of $864/month ($795 after taxes) plus $150 in tips = $945/month. Husband is currently unable to find work. Your monthly TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) amount is $241.
These are the bills you must pay during each month.
Housing (Pay to mortgage & realty co.) Monthly Rent: $200.00
Utilities (Pay to utility company) Gas: $100.00 Electric: $65.00 Phone: $70.00
Food (Pay to super center) Per week:$115.00
Clothing (Pay to super center) Per month: $25.00
Miscellaneous (Pay to super center) Per month: $50.00
Medical Bills (Pay to bank) Per month: $25.00
Transportation (Pay to Quik Cash) Per month: $50.00
Loan Payment (Pay to bank) Per month: $150.00
HUSBAND: Igor Hererra Salvador, age 42, with a technical certification. During his time in Cuba, he was able to work consistently for a construction company. He speaks and understands very little English (vocational English) but is fluent in Spanish. He has been employed as a construction worker in the past since moving to the U.S. but was recently laid off due to lack of construction projects available in the area. YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED.
WIFE: Silvia Ramirez Jimenez, age 38, with a technical certification. During her time in Cuba, she was able to work consistently as a nail technician. She speaks and understands very little English (vocational English) but is fluent in Spanish. She is currently employed and working for a nail salon part-time. Before relocating to the United States, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. GO TO GENERAL EMPLOYER FOR PART-TIME JOB.