
FAMILY O: Khaled-Hassan (3 people)

3456 Damascus Place


Ethnicity - Syrian-Kurds     Religion - Sunni Muslim

Your families each arrived in the U.S. over 1 year ago as refugees.

Mazar is living with his girlfriend and her child in a mobile home that she is renting to own. You pay half of the rent, lot rent and utilities. Mobile home needs repairs that you cannot afford right now. Utility bills are high. His wages are being garnished to provide child support for a son he fathered while in high school (not Olan). He has an older car that is paid for. It requires frequent and costly repairs; therefore, it is not always reliable. He is in the process of paying off a loan.

Keje receives TANF (cash benefits) and Food Stamps (WIC). Olan’s father (not Mazar) does not pay child support. She needs to go to the Social Service Agency to find out how to get involved in an employment activity so you can keep your cash benefits. She does not have health insurance and will need to apply for it. Neither adults have a phone.

During the third week of the simulation the Realville Public School will be closed for holiday.


Mazar makes $936/month ($811 after taxes and $511 after wage garnishment).


These are the bills you must pay during each month.

    Housing (Pay to mortgage & realty co.) Rent: $235.00

    Utilities (Pay to utility company) Gas: $120.00 Electric: $70.00

    Food (Pay to super center) Per week:$95.00

    Clothing (Pay to super center) Per month: $50.00

    Miscellaneous (Pay to super center) Per month: $155.00

    Miscellaneous (Pay to bank) Per month: $100.00 (Mazar)


MOTHER: Keje Khaled (19) high school dropout, not currently employed and has never been employed full-time. Would like to go back to school and graduate YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED.

BOYFRIEND: Mazar Hassan (25) with GED. Has recently been released from jail and works full-time in the cafeteria of General Employer. His wages are be garnished to pay child support for his own son that he fathered in high school (Not Olan). GO TO GENERAL EMPLOYER FOR FULL-TIME JOB.

SON: Olan Khaled (1) mother’s child by a previous boyfriend. In good health.