3456 Damascus Place
Ethnicity - Syrian-Kurds Religion - Sunni Muslim
Your family arrived in the U.S. over 1 year ago as refugees.
You rent a three-room apartment in a low-income neighborhood. Your husband/father has just disappeared, and you are left to pay the monthly bills. You are unaware of his present whereabouts. He left you with $10.00 in cash and nothing in the bank. You use public transportation to get around. There are several mosques in the Jacksonville area and your family is currently religiously active.
During the third week of the simulation the Realville Public School will be closed for holiday.
The mother and/or son needs to find a job as soon as possible and apply for cash benefits (TANF), housing, Food Stamps (EBT) and other benefits at the Social Services Agency.
These are the bills you must pay during each month.
Housing (Pay to mortgage & realty co.) Mortgage: $300.00
Utilities (Pay to utility company) Gas: $180.00 Electric: $60.00 Phone: $35.00
Food (Pay to super center) Per week:$110.00
Clothing (Pay to super center) Per month: $30.00
Miscellaneous (Pay to super center) Per month: $25.00
MOTHER: Dersima Ali (34) recently deserted by the father of her two children. She dropped out of high school after 10th grade. She worked as a salesclerk until her first pregnancy. YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED.
SON: Afran Ali (17) cause for concern due to involvement with a drug-dealing group, has dropped out of school and got Bibi Afrid pregnant. YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED.
DAUGHTER: Irem Ali (14) poorly motivated in school. Really likes babysitting and is interested in watching kids when not in school. GO TO SCHOOL.